Username: Saifbox

My Virtual Investor Global, Ltd (in advance My Virtual Investor) is totally legal private investment company incorporated in the United Kingdom.

Registry number: #12735143 // Check here the legal details of the company in the UK business register.

Download the entire document of the company registry.

Statement of capital: GBP 1,000,000

My Virtual Investor offers its clients a profitable investment opportunity in trading futures in the commodity market, the stock market and the foreign exchange market as well as in a relatively young cryptocurrency market. Namely operations in the volatile cryptocurrency market give us the greatest profitability.

My Virtual Investor highly draws attention to safety of its clients investments. It means that our analysts and experts in economics and finance do a huge work of monitoring, analysis and forecasting the situation on the markets. Their recommendations allow to respond quickly to processes occurring on the exchange, so there can be no price fluctuations which cause negative consequences.


My Virtual Investor Global, Ltd, the first and safest crypto asset investment firm, was established to provide intelligent portfolios with its expert investors, customer-priority approach, safe and high-tech investment tools. Eliminating the risk factor to earn from digital assets, the platform is created to offer exclusive interest return.




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